
The Impact of Pride

There is an interesting and humorous story about a pastor with a reputation of being humble. The parishioners, deacons and other leaders of this particular church often marveled about his humility. These leaders even went as far as giving him an award for his humility. Unfortunately, that is when the pastor’s reputation quickly changed. He...


Using our grace gifts

Several years ago, going back to 1980, I was a new Christian, newly married and new to the Air Force. We arrived at our first duty station in Arkansas and began looking for housing and for a church. With Cheri’s parents help, we found a church to belong. It was a church plant with lots...


Our choices are our story

Have you ever sat down on a Saturday and asked yourself, what happened this past week? What did my choices reflect about me? How is my testimony to my friends and family reflected in my choices? Maybe you never thought of it this way but, your choices are your testimony about your faith in God...


What we learn from the great commandment

As I watch and listen, now and across several years, I strongly conclude that the typical American has issues with authority. I mean authority in every area of life. I also conclude, with conviction, the average Christian also struggles with authority to include the Lordship of Jesus Christ. It appears to me through decades of...