- Making disciples who make disciples
- Introducing people to Christ across the street and around the world
- Loving the least among us with grace
- Leading together through teams
- Empowering the church through passionate prayer
- Worshipping as a lifestyle
- Embracing ministry with a Kingdom mindset
Guest Information

Service: Our worship service begins at 9:00 AM (in-person and live-streaming).
Directions to Heartland: We are located on West 19th Street, one mile west of Hamilton Boulevard at 2201 West 19th Street. (Google Maps)
Where to park: There are 6 reserved “Guest Parking” spots just in front of the building on the left side facing the building. We also have 6 “Handicap” spots just in front of the building on the right side facing the building. The side walk and parking lot are also contoured to support wheel chairs.
What to do when I arrive: Stop by the “Guest Services” kiosk in the lobby to pick up a variety of information about our church
What to do with my kids: Just off the lobby your infant and toddler children will be cared for in a secure, enjoyable environment with cleared and well-trained children’s workers. We offer Sunday School for 1st through 12th grade at 10:30.
What to expect: When you enter the worship center, you’ll receive a greeting with a smile. Prior to taking a seat in the worship area, you can visit our café for a cup of coffee or juice. Please feel free to sit anywhere you like. If you need assistance please ask for an usher. Our worship gatherings are upbeat with a live band, followed by a message clearly based in the Bible. Worship gatherings last about 1 hour and 10 minutes.
What to wear: You don’t have to dress up. We don’t try to impress anyone but God.
About the offering: Giving is an act of worship. The weekly offering supports the work of Christ at Heartland Church, in our community, and missions around the world.
How to connect with us: Please complete a connection card. You can do this once you arrive or right below. After the worship gathering, feel free to come to the front to meet the pastor and other leaders. We will be glad to visit with you and answer any questions.