
The Humility of a Disciple

In our attempt to disciple others to follow Christ, we can be over zealous. We can make the mistake of acting out of a sense of pride and self-righteous. This will quickly lead to a judgmental attitude and even anger and frustration. Therefore, as we become disciples who make disciples, we must be cautious in...


Commodity or Community

I’m sure you’ve heard a variety of thoughts and opinions about what a church is or is not.  Some refer to the church as a building or an event (e.g. worship, Bible study, fellowship).  In this sense, it is a place you go to for a specific purpose. Others, more accurately, refer to the church...


Servants of the Most High God

There is a word that many seem to struggle with in our culture. What is the word?  The word is commitment. Years ago, Chuck Colson wrote an article, The Lost Art of Commitment, published in Christianity Today. In the article he sighted the reasons why younger adults lack commitment. What are the reasons? The reasons...


Small World

A few weeks ago, in the course of a conversation with a friend, he mentioned a name that sounded familiar.  I started asking questions about this individual and it turns out I know him. My friend responded by saying, “wow, small world.” As I think about it, a conversation that turns up a name that...



With the growth of the Wal-Mart empire, especially since the late 1980s and early 1990s when the franchise started selling groceries and the number of stores reached nearly 2000 across the nation, many smaller chains and family owned stores of all varieties, quickly became unsustainable. Why? Either because they didn’t adapt to a changing market...