
Priority of Worship

Priority of Worship We have a few phrases that we use to describe what we do on Sunday mornings. Some say, “we’re going to church.” Others say, “it’s time for Sunday services.” The remaining few will say, “it’s time for worship.”  Regardless of the term we may use, I think we’d all agree that our priority on...


Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving  Thanksgiving is upon us and Christmas is approaching. All of this comes with a range of emotions, memories and expectations. The emotions are impacted by the joy of new birth and the grief of those loved ones that have past on and can no longer sit around the table and eat and laugh...


Born to Be Free

Uncovering the Evidence of our Freedom through our Spiritual Lineage and Family (Galatians 3:23-29)


Born to Be Free

Uncovering the Evidence of our Freedom through the Purpose of the Law (Galatians 3:19-22)


Aspen Groves

Aspen Groves  Fishlake National Forest in Utah is the home of the largest organism in the world. This organism, thousands of years old, is named Pando, Latin for “I spread,” is a massive grove of aspen trees. Aspen trees are not like oak or maple trees growing in your back yard. One aspen tree is only a small part of...


Born to be Free

Uncovering the Evidence of our Freedom through the Promise of God (Galatians 3:19-22


Born to be Free

Uncovering the Evidence of our Freedom through the Faith of Abraham (Galatians 3:7-14)


Drifting Toward a Church Club

There is a noticeable drift in the local church toward “church club.” The church experience has become more about image, entertainment and what’s trending rather than worship, fellowship, serving and making disciples. After all, clubs are typically all about glorifying the individual through an event experience. In contrast, the authentic local church is all about...


Celebrating Harvest

It’s time for harvest! The farmers are battling rainy and wet conditions to bring in the harvest as the combines are in the fields bringing in the grain. They’ve worked hard since early Spring in anticipation for harvest. They’ve disked, planted, removed rocks, irrigated, cultivated, sprayed insecticide, dealt with various varmints and I’m sure many...