
Fit for a King

The idea of a king having sovereign authority is relatively unfamiliar to most Americans and, for that matter, not welcome.  Obviously, we as Americans, rebelled against the King of England and gained our independence in 1776. At best, in the modern era, we catch a headline here and there and maybe a glimpse of English...


Show Me the Fruit

In the 1996 movie, “Jerry McGuire,” when sports agent Jerry McGuire, played by Tom Cruise, asked Cardinals wide receiver Rod Tidwell, played by Cuba Gooding, Jr., “what can I do for you?, Rod answered, “show me the money.” After all, if you were a professional athlete, what else would you ask of your sports agent?...


Let the little children come to me

As a Christian parent and now a grandparent, I’ve gleaned wisdom from God’s Word and years of experience allowing me to share a few things about parenting. My goal is for children to know, love and glorify the Lord as they follow the example of their parents. Let me say, that Cheri and I made...



Are the words “giving,” “offering,” “collecting” or “tithing” a source of frustration, confusion or anger for you? Do you feel guilt or shame when you hear these words? First, you’re not alone. Knowing from several sources such as Barna Group, Pew Research and Lifeway, the large majority (80%) of Americans give only 2% of their...