
Let’s Talk About Church

  Let’s Talk About Church It is a privilege and blessing to say that I’ve been engaged in church life since 1980. I must say, “to God be the glory.” However, during these years I’ve heard numerous negative statements on the subject of church. The following is my list of the top 7: I don’t...


The Harvest is Now

  The Harvest is Now As I drove to the airport in Omaha recently, I saw combines and semi-trucks in the fields on both sides of I-29 for several miles. It was an impressive sight to see. In all the years growing up in the midst of a farming region in South West Ohio spreading West into...


Applying the gospel to relationships regardless of race and culture

  Applying the gospel to relationships regardless of race and culture As Christians, we have an obligation to be salt and light in our world (Matthew 5:13-16). We are also called to imitate Christ (Ephesians 5:1). So as we experience racially and culturally related hatred and division, how do we apply the gospel? What does the Bible...